Actually, an incident at work with one of my friend has prompted me to write this. With out going into much details, I'd quickly like to tell all the readers out there that mounting an windows NTFS partition is quite possible in Linux (RedHat).
All you have to do is to install the following components:
Firstly, install the FUSE-xxx version. Can be downloaded from
It also has a detailed explanation of procedure.
After successfully installing the FUSE package, look for the "NTFS-3g" . It can be downloaded from http://www.ntfs-3g.org/
And also comes with detail explanations of installation procedure.
After finishing installation of the above two packages following command will sort out all your problems:
# ntfs-3g /dev/(device) /(mount point)
Will mount the ntfs partition on the targeted directory.
NOTE: Don't put entry in the fstab, as it will fail.
can put the above comand in "rc.local" for automatic availability after the next boot.
Hope it will help..
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