We can start off our campaign by configuring a small LAN network. We will configure a cisco switch that is connected to end user device and eventually forward traffic to a router with connects our LAN with outside network/ Internet. In our scenario, the configuration will be done on the switch, here we are going to divide the whole process into six stages: 1) Beginning: start up new switch/ wipe out existing configs. 2) Security: passwords & banner. 3) Cosmetics: name & work environment. 4) Management: IP address & gateway. 5) Interfaces: speed, duplex & description. 6) Verify & backup: CDP, TFTP, show interfaces. BEGINNING Very few of us will be born with the silver spoon to have a brand new switch to start off the proceedings, for other not so lucky comrades like me, before we can start any configuration we need to make sure that previous configuration do not effect what we are about to do. At boot up of a brand new switch, it always prompts with a qu...
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